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Yesterday we entered the month of AV on the Hebrew Calender. It is a significant month. A month of choices and decisions. I will speak more about that in another post.

As we are in this last part of this 3 week time known as " Between The Narrow Straits" [“mitzrayim” - מִצְרַיִם], many may feel even more "pressure" than normal, with an intensity in the spirit, and in the natural.😣🔀

There is a lot going on in the Spirit realm right now, as we head through this narrow place, but also because of the warfare that is happening in our nation (as well as in Israel, and in other nations also). We must push through into what the Lord has for us in this time. This is even more significant this year than most, due to what has been happening, and what is coming!

One week from today we will end this 3 week time known as "The Narrow Straits", with the day known as the 9th of AV.

Many of you know or remember the significance of this day, especially to the Jewish people. If you don't know, you can read about it HERE.

With what all has happened the last 2 weeks, we really don't know what will happen over the next week, to be honest. There's been a tremendous amount of pressure over the last 2 weeks (more than I can ever remember), and many of us within the prophetic have felt it in the spirit, as well as in our soul and body in a tremendous way.

The tension, the onslaught, the intense intercession & "groanings" that cannot be uttered. I can't tell you how many I know who have been feeling this travailing over this time. We find ourselves crying, and don't even know why. It is the tension in the spirit realm, which is much more than I've ever felt it, if I'm honest. 😓❤️‍🩹

The Hebrew letter associated with the Month of AV is the TET, which looks like a womb. Because of this, AV is also known as the month when that which we have been "pregnant" with in the spirit, begins to manifest in the natural. This is part of the "pushing" that we are doing in this hour! 🙏 #PUSH #Birthing #Travail #PrayUntilSomethingHappens

I believe that this year in particular, we are pressing into and groaning for that which is happening in the spirit realm in this hour! We are pressing in, to walk in that which He has for us to in this time in history. This is a crucial time, and even as the shaking increases, God's people are being awakened to stand up and be the light amidst the darkness. Many of us are also being called to "birth" now, what will be built in the months and years to come! 🔨⏳️

That is part of the tension of what many of us are sensing right now...the birthing of the #Awakening that is yet to come! 🔥

We also feel the tension of knowing how many are not prepared for the days ahead. We are interceding for His church to awaken, and interceding for mercy and grace as we walk through this time!

I know it is hard for many of you, but I encourage you to keep pressing, keep pushing, and know that He is holding your hand until you make it through this "Narrow place"! #BetweenNarrowStraits

This is not a time to get into doubt or fear but to remain in faith, in much prayer, and trusting in the Lord to see us through to the other side. This is also a time to repent for any doubt or unbelief that we have allowed ourselves to get into during this past season of warfare.

In prayer & preparation,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

Note: I will share more about this month of AV over this week.

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