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The book is closed, and has been sealed.

It is done.

Wednesday was the Day of Atonement, which is when Jews believe the "books are sealed" regarding what will happen the following year. It has been confirmed prophetically several times over the last few days by different voices, and I have also sensed myself that this was happening. In prayer today, I saw several things that will come to past now.

We are in a different season. We are no longer "transitioning", but have transitioned into a different season, unlike any before...and have fully come into the new that will come with this "Era" we have stepped into. It began in 5780, and now the full transition is complete as we have stepped into 5783. If I've ever known anything, I know this! ⏳ #NewEra #TimesAndSeasons

There is much change coming, but this is the part I felt to focus on for this post... #Justice.

Justice will now begin to happen very quickly, and will roll like a river, the likes of which many have never known. I can't begin to express how serious of a time this is, and what all I have seen coming in this time. Many will be corrected, and yes even chastised by God the Father & Judge of all. We must all go low and stay humble during this time. This may seem harsh to some, but it is for their own good, and out of His love. But for some, it will be more. ⚖

There will even be some who's life on this earth will be cut short, and they will go on to their eternal reward. Government leaders, as well as rulers in business and many other spheres will come to the end of their life. This is especially true with those who have been standing in the way or thwarting His Kingdom purposes.

He holds all life in His hands. 🌎

Yes, even some of His own people/leaders, who have been in compromise, and whose motives have been impure, will move on to their eternal reward. A few have already been taken, but more is coming. Some will go on to the Heavenly Kingdom...but some will not.

I share this with heaviness in my heart and tears in my eyes. 💔😥 But even in Your righteous judgements, and even as Your Holy Justice rolls...Lord, we ask for mercy, especially on Your people! Let them repent before it is too late, and even in the midnight hour. 🙏🏻💜

As I have said before, we are now in a "Bethabera" moment, as we have "crossed over"...but we have never been this way before. We must proceed carefully.

"Only the penitent one will pass!" 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇‍♂️

As I've promised, I'll be releasing more on this over the next week.

In prayer, preparation, & with tears,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me." ~ Psalms 51:10‭-‬11

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