Yes...I sense it too.
Many prophetic friends & acquaintances have contacted me over the last week, asking if I was feeling the same...or asking what it was they were feeling. Some felt an unexplained anxiousness, an overall sadness, a perplexing sense of dread but unsure of why.
Some even felt weepy, amongst all the joy of the season, but they really didn't know why? No they aren't wanting to or trying to be negative, truly they aren't...it is just that way with many prophetic people, especially with watchmen. Many have said they felt it more in the last few weeks than ever before.
My answer is always the same, and I felt I would share it here, in case any others have been feeling some of this... 👇🏻
You're probably feeling the clash that is happening in the spirit realm right now, as there is quite a war going on, even if many don't know it. ⚔️🛡
Also, many including myself, have sensed that something substantial is coming very soon, especially here in the U.S. (but also maybe in other nations), in relation to a potential attack, a release of something, or attempt at something major. We aren't quite sure what it will be, but it will be the next level of what we have all sensed (and dreamt about) coming for some time.
I believe the closer we get to these things happening, many prophetic people and especially those with a watchman type anointing, feel and sense many of these things strongly. Many times, we cannot always even pinpoint what it is we are feeling or why, but we simply know we do.
The longer you are functioning in the prophetic, and around others who do, you will begin to understand what it is you're sensing. This one has been harder to pinpoint, as it has felt like a lot at once. It is also important to pray, seek, and ask the Lord what it is that you're sensing, and what He is wanting to show you. That is harder during times like this, when we're so busy with family and the holiday, so we don't have as much time to steal away and seek the Lord. I would say do that as much as possible right now. Just know, you are not alone, and many others are sensing and feeling prophetically what is going on in the spirit realm, and also what is coming soon!
Yes, 2025 will be an amazing year, but it will also be a year full of shaking and upheaval... God is in the midst of it all, and we must hold tight to His hand! #ItIsTime #HeIsHere #BestOfTimesWorstOfTimes
As I have said for soooo long... 🙏💞 #PrayAndPrepare for the days and months ahead!
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer