It is hard for me to believe it has been 7 years this weekend since this true Prophet of the Lord, and #General, went home to be with the Lord.🙏💜
I wanted to post about this yesterday when it came up in my memories, but I didn't get the chance due to my schedule. Then I realized today that it was actually good that I didn't, because something happened this morning that brought something completely unexpected to light!📜
This morning I received a message from a prophetic friend who had a very intense encounter with the Lord, in which He showed her many things that would be coming over the next several years. This was definitely a "Watchman" type encounter, with what we felt were warnings from the Lord, for prayer and preparation. She will release the details of that as the Lord leads her to.
This message was the catalyst for some pretty in-depth discussions between Darin and I regarding this encounter, and others that myself and others have received. In the middle of our discussion, I realized this prophetic friend had this "Watchmen" encounter yesterday...on the 7 year anniversary of John Paul's homecoming. This hit me "like a ton of bricks"! As I realized this, I felt the Spirit of the Lord on me very strong. Seven speaks of completion. I knew this was significant!
Let me explain. I believe that when John Paul passed, there were a number of "mantles" that fell. Many times when a man or woman of God passes on, their mantle remains, and many times it will be one person, several people, or sometimes a multitude who will pick up the mantle(s) to continue the work the Lord has into the next generation. Sometimes, the mantle on an individual is so large and impactful, or the mandate was so "weighty" that they carried, that the Lord needs a larger number of people to carry out the mandate that is on that mantle for what is to come next. It becomes multiplied, as it were. Sometimes, when a single grain of wheat falls to the ground, it then can multiply and create many grains. (John 12:24)
I have had several ministers, even some of those who were very close with him, tell me that I remind them of JPJ in many ways, in regards to my call as a Watchman prophet. That may or may not be so, and remains to be seen. But I will say this, I believe the Lord has been raising up many in the last 7 years, who have the same type of Watchman call that he had.
He was misunderstood by many, even those within the prophetic realm, because he called out many things that needed to be dealt with. #Reformer
He was a watchman who spoke of difficult days that were coming - much of what we are seeing even now, and some things that have yet to happen. #EzekielMandate #Watchman 👀
The picture above was of a minister's luncheon we were able to attend in amazing time I will always cherish! He spoke with such wisdom and revelation. Lord, raise up many more! 🙏👀🦅⏳
What the Lord showed me today, when the Spirit of the Lord moved on me so strongly, was that He has been preparing quite a number of prophetic voices within the body over the last 7 years, and many of them are just now beginning to come into the call of Watchman that they have been anointed and called for!
I believe my friend receiving one of the weightiest words she has ever received on the 7 year anniversary of His passing was a sign. Many have "completed" their preparation time, and are stepping into the next phase of that which He has called them to in this amazing and intense hour in history!⏳
I believe many mantles of the "Watchman" have been and will be picked up this year. We will see them emerging as never before in the months and years to come. Do not dispise the words they bring, for they are from Him. The Lord is releasing that which is necessary to help prepare His body for the days ahead.
Watchman...I'm praying for you, as your job is never an easy one! But know that you have been and are being raised up for such a time as this in His Kingdom, to release that which you see and hear! Many will not heed your voice...that is to be expected. But many will heed your voice, and it will be a lifeline and trumpet sounding for many of His people!
I pray He will strengthen your voice and your backbone, to stand, even when it is difficult!
Remember, He is the one who called you, and it is Him you serve!
All for Him,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer