The pressure is producing something! It is time for enlarging your boundaries! He that began a good work in you...will complete it! (Philippians 1:6)
I feel led to declare over many of His prophetic & apostolic people today... 🕸🕷🐍
The web of witchcraft is broken, and the python (snake, divination, witchcraft) spirits that have coiled around your bodies (bringing sickness, pain, tension), your mind (confusion, discouragement), and even your finances over the the last several broken!
By the power of His blood, and in the name of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, I declare an uncoiling and unraveling of the web and any snake spirits, and they must cease and desist their operation against you! All curses spoken by those aligned with these spirits, fall to the ground and die in the name of Yeshua (Jesus)!
Decree these things with me, and break out of it now! ⚔🛡🔥
Warring with you,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer