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Amanda Shiflett



The Lord has been speaking to me about coming to "Shiloh" over the last several months...a place of peace that is in Him, and actually is Him! ("Shiloh" is also believed to be a reference to Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah in the OT). I will be writing more about this, as the Lord reveals and allows, over the next few weeks and months. 🕊

I have sensed there is another level of His Peace that He is wanting us to come into, specifically this month of December in this year. Peace is something that this time of year is suppose to be known for, but it truly hasn't been a peaceful time for many over the last season(s). Whether because of busyness, troubling circumstances, loss, or death of a loved one, sometimes this time is the furthest thing from peace we can think of. 🕊

Even amongst the hustle and bustle of the season, I sense the Lord is wanting us to focus on this particular part of what the season is truly about...His peace. He is wanting to truly reveal Himself to many as the Prince of Peace during this Christmas season this year! 🕊

I pray you will take time to draw away with Him during this season, and let Him shower you with His Peace...let Him bring you away to Shiloh, and show you what it means to abide in His peace, no matter what is happening around you! This is something that the body of Christ as a whole has lost site of in many ways, and it is greatly needed in the new era we have stepped into. We, as believers in Yeshua, need to begin to walk in a new level of His peace in the days ahead, and His peace needs to begin to permeate our very beings, so that others around us can sense it and even know it. This is part of the manifesting of the Sons and Daughters of God in the earth. Now is the time...we are the people! 🕊

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." ~ Isaiah 9:6

"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" ~ Luke 2:13‭-‬14

Be blessed with His Shalom/Peace during this season, and into the New Year! 🕊

Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer

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