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Writer's picture: Prophetic ReformerProphetic Reformer


The heaviness and foreboding of the impending storm is strong today! Myself, many prophetic watchmen connected to our ministry, even my husband is feeling it today. Some are feeling physical things, some emotional, even like crying for no reason, and some both...except there is a reason! Many are picking up on what is taking place in the spirit realm. Let those who have ears...hear! 👂👇🏻⚠️

The next domino is getting ready to fall (and I mean FALL⬇️), perhaps before the end of this week...and this one will be a big one! The reverberation will be felt around the world, and especially here in the U.S.A. Many of us have sensed someone in a high seat...becoming "un - alive" soon.

I heard ~ "Et tu Brute...Then Falls Ceasar!"

I have sensed something like in the play "Ceasar", where he is betrayed. 🫤

Please hear me though...Although some (even some who claim to be prophetic) will claim this is a great thing. BE AWARE! 🧙‍♀️👇🏻

Jezebel has been waiting in the wings, and there will be a move for her to set up her web, and take a "seat" that is not hers. We have seen this spirit more active and on display in many areas in this hour...within government, businesses, and of course in many ministries & churches, she has raised her ugly head (sadly working through unhealed people). 😔 What has been allowed within His church, has given her access to rise in other spheres also.

But the anti-christ spirit is really what is working behind the scenes, and those being used by that spirit (Mr. O), are really what is at play. Jezebel is just the front person. Not saying he (O) is "The anti-christ", but has that spirit operating. Many are operating in and with that spirit in this hour.

REMEMBER...the "Perfect Storm" is what it will look like (and yes referring back to what JPJ saw!). Many things happening and colliding together at one time (we've seen that in the last week even, haven't we?), and after this next domino, we'll see several fall right after it. Again...let those who have ears, hear!

Let me encourage you once again, DO NOT get into fear when you see these things happening...for they must come to past! Pray for a swift dealing with and overturning of the enemies agenda, and that God's people will be spared and protected in the midst of this storm! Keep us safe, Lord, until the storm passes by! 🙏💖

🔜Please note: this particular storm is only one part of a larger "outbreak" of storms that are coming that we will have to don't assume when you see blue skies for a moment, that the storm is over. It is only the halfway point, and you are in the eye.

Apply the blood over yourself and your family, declare Psalm 91 protection, and pray and prepare as much as you possibly can in this hour. If you haven't prepared in the natural, you have a very short window of time to do so. See our website below with help to know how...focus on water & easy food for now.

Some will need to repent for not heeding the voices of the watchmen that have been crying out to "prepare", but you have not wanted to hear. Repent, and He will give you mercy and extra grace to do what is needed.

In much prayer & preparation,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

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Amanda Shiflett is the founder of Prophetic Reformer and Co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries, along with her husband Darin. She is a Prophetic Minister who heard the Lord's call from a very young age. Amanda is a heralding voice of truth, holiness, and purity within the prophetic, and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings. She longs to see reformation come most especially to the current Prophetic movement, as well as the other parts of the 5-fold within the body of Christ.  


Along with her calling as a Prophetess, Amanda also flows in a powerful worship and healing anointing, and is a gifted teacher and writer as well. Although she loves all aspects of the ministry that God has called her to, her personal passion is to see reformation come to the Body of Christ and the current prophetic movement. She also longs to see those in the Body of Christ reach their destinies - to see God's people break free from their strongholds and bondages, to walk in complete wholeness and freedom in Christ. She is honored and excited to serve the Lord in many capacities in the Kingdom, seeing lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit! 


Over a 10 year period, Amanda received overall training in biblical studies, with extensive training in prophecy, spiritual warfare, Hebraic roots, healing, and supernatural ministry, at various ministry schools. In addition, she also traveled and served under several national and international ministries during that time. She is constantly engaging in more study and understanding in the revelations of the Lord, and is actively involved in continuing education. 


Amanda and her husband, Darin, are both Apostolically aligned with and ordained through FMCI, under the apostolic leadership of Apostle Jim Hodges. They currently reside near Dallas, TX.

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