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#WomenOfTheLord #Arise #WomenWarriors VERY INTERESTING 🥊🔨🏹🙌▶ Charisma magazine randomly decided to re-release this 👇word a few days ago, that the Lord gave me in 2015 about the "Women of the Lord Arising". I have no idea why, as it was originally about the year 5776 (2016), but when they posted it, it began to get a ton of likes and shares, and I've had several tag me or send me a message about it over the last few days. I don't think it is a coincidence that this is coming up again right now, but I believe He is highlighting this again for this season. I also feel it is significant in light of the fact that many articles have come out in the last few days about President Trump seriously considering Amy Barrett for a Supreme Court seat, should the need arise when Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat becomes available. I also shared this word again in Oct of last year, and shared how I had realized after much prayer, that this word from 2015 was only the beginning of this "arising" that the Lord was doing during this season, for His Kingdom purposes! LET THE WARRIORS OF THE KING, ARISE!! Excerpt: ⚔️DEBORAH, JAEL, & BARAK ~ THE WARRING WOMEN OF THE LORD & THE WARRING MEN BESIDE THEM! ⚔️ "The Lord began to show me how Jael was able to do what she needed to do to defeat the enemy, because there was another powerful woman in that region, who led by example. That woman was the Judge and Prophetess Deborah. I heard the Spirit say "I will be raising many up, who will use what I have placed in their hand (the tent peg) to destroy the plans of Satan and take out the 'head' of the enemy who has kept them oppressed and defeated ... the enemy who is waging war in their family, their city and their nation!" I also felt the Lord saying that, just as He did then, He would especially be raising up courageous & bold women, for such a time as this, to war against the enemy. He said ~ 'It is time for the daughters of the Lord to arise, and take their place in My army!' He also began to show me that He would be raising up Deborahs in this hour, who will lead an entire army and put the enemy on the run. They are a hybrid warrior of apostolic (judge) and prophetic leader. These women will raise up many "Jaels" under them, who will strike deathly blows against the enemies in their own territory and sphere of the Kingdom. These will be the daughters of Deborah, and this is their time also. Armed with the hammer of authority they have been given, they will strike deathly blows to the enemy. 🔨 In addition to the women the Lord is raising up, the Lord said that He would begin to place many men of God into leadership positions alongside these women. They would literally begin to work together, with no prejudice, barriers, or superior thinking...and they would war together in His army, to see much accomplished for His Kingdom! 👨👩👑 I heard the Lord say, 'Like Barak with Deborah, these men will be able to listen and heed the voice of the women of God that I have anointed for this hour. They will not care who gets the credit. They will have no prejudice against women, and will be able to discern those whom I, the Lord, have appointed to be apostolic and prophetic leaders in the kingdom during these last days, whether they be men or women'. And NOW, we have truly come full circle! Although I thought that word was only for 5776 (2016), the Lord has since revealed that was only the beginning of the shift. We know in part and we prophesy in part. As we have come through these last couple of years, and I have continued to see the women of the Lord arise, and see the men of God working with them, I realized that 2016 was only the beginning of the Lord raising up His warrior daughters! I have truly seen so many women being raised up to war in the Kingdom in this hour, as well as the men of God who are fighting for and beside them. My heart has truly leapt as I have seen what the Lord is doing in this season! 😀🙌💓 When I released that word at the end of 2015, I had no idea we would have such a rising of the feminist and counter-Godly women's movement. Now that I have seen what the enemy is attempting to do, through misled and misguided women (ex. the "Women's March" in D.C.), I understand why the Lord needed His warring women to arise. They are truly needed now more than ever, to fight against what is evil, vile, and corrupt in this day. As half of the Lord's army, it is crucial to have them warring and taking ground, alongside their male counter-parts! Let the Deborahs, Jaels, & Baraks continue to ARISE!! Let them rise to take their place in His army, and lead those who are captive into freedom! Let us take back the ground that the enemy has stolen, and advance His Kingdom as never before!!" ✴You can read the original article HERE !  

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