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Writer's pictureProphetic Reformer


Word for Great Britain, and the entire of the UK Something is shifting tremendously in Great Britain, and the entire of the UK! I have sensed it for some time, and Saturday while I watched the Royal Wedding, I sensed it very strongly again, and felt that it was time to release what I have been seeing and hearing. There are amazing things in store for our British brothers and sisters, and some great changes coming! The United Kingdom of Great Britain is rising, and I heard that she is "rising to the occasion" once again...not sure what all that entails, but it will be good. 😉 I will continue to pray into this, and release more on this later. Her destiny stands before her greatly in this hour, and much will change in the next several months and years, even within politics and government. Revival is at her shores once again! Reformation and Revival beckon her forward into her destiny! 🌊 Will there be difficult and even tragic things that will happen in the months and years to come? Yes...but for this time, the Lord is having me to focus on the great things that He has in store for this Kingdom. I will try to say this as delicately and honorably as I can. The time for Her Majesty, The Queen to depart her assignment on this earth, is quickly approaching. I do not know if she will go on to her eternal reward this year, or within the next few years, but I have sensed for several months that it is drawing near, in the same way that I sensed for over a year that Billy Graham's time on earth was coming to a close. Her passing will be honored and commemorated by many around the world, unlike what we have seen in many years. A sense of great change will accompany her passing, and many will notice it. Her legacy has been great, and although she has made many mistakes (as we all do), her heart to serve her people and her country will be remembered by all. She truly believed that her role as Queen was given by God, and I 100% agree. She has lived long for this very was chosen by God to be so. She will be remembered for her integrity and graciousness, even for such a young Queen, as she was when she began her reign. Many may see her as only a figurehead, but that is not how the Kingdom of heaven views her. She has an authority that many have not understood, whether for good or for evil. Much will change at her passing, not just for the United Kingdom, but around the world. It will be a major sign of the transition we are making in this new era. The New Royals stepping up will be of a new breed, and they will need much guidance. I am already beginning to pray for Divine appointments to be orchestrated by the Lord, with those whom He would have to influence them, as they will influence many in the years to come. The Lord will begin to position many prophetic/apostolic people that will speak and help guide many in high places in the U.K. in the years to come. There will be Lords and Ladies that will be markedly changed, and then used by the Lord to minister to those within their own sphere of influence in the country, to experience God in a new and fresh way, and many will come into a new knowledge of the moving of the Holy Spirit. I see what might be called "Holy Spirit infiltrates" in these spheres, and some who will be "sleepers" within society, that will exact much change within the country. These are the rulers behind much of the way the country goes. I see balanced, bold, and Spirit-led men and women of God, that will be reformers within even the political, social, and business realm in the UK and most especially in England. Yes, there will still be those who will oppose God's laws and His ways, but He is raising up those of His remnant to these places of influence, to level the playing field in a big way in this country. I see prayer gatherings beginning to emerge in the United Kingdom in an immense way, and many will be a part of many home churches/home groups, that will be very Apostolic and Prophetic in nature. Much of the prayer gatherings will come from these, and I see a great wave of the moving of God's Spirit through these groups. It will be a grass-roots movement of God's remnant there. Many of these home/small groups will even be among those who are considered the "social elite". God's Presence and power will be known to many once again, and there will be hundreds, perhaps even thousands, who will move in great miracles and signs and wonders, even as happened in the days of old. I see a great resurgance of appreciation for the mighty moves of God that have happened in this land in years past. I even see many descendants of great men and women of God from the UK, as they begin to realize the great heritage that they have come from. As the appreciation of their ancestors begins to rise, many will begin to tap into the equity of their generations, and will begin to function in similar anointings as those that came before. At the same time, God will be dealing with many to begin to renounce and deal with the iniquity that has been in their bloodline, and if they will follow His instructions, this will cause great healing for people, in families, and even in the land itself. Pray with me for this beautiful land of Great Britain, and even for all of the UK, where many of our ancestors come from, as the Lord has much in store for her future, and great things He is wanting to do in the months and years to come!

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