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I am only sharing this after prayer, and after confirming the word with several other prophet and apostle peers I shared with. This is not an easy word, and literally made me shake inside when I heard it. 🙏👇

In prayer this week, I heard the Lord say, regarding the days and weeks to come...

"I will show Myself strong on behalf of My people...

But I will also show Myself strong against those who have stood against Me and My ways! The mocking of Me and My ways will no longer be the world, nor by My people.

Those who have thought they could get away with lies and deceit, in the government, in the businesses, yes and even those in My Church, who have deceived themselves into thinking I do not see their true motives...they are about to have a rude awakening. When My strong arm comes down, all will know it.

I am God Almighty, and I will not be mocked! What many have sown, they are about to reap...both of good, and of evil. My mercy has been extended...but My grace has worn thin, and been made to seem as nothing. I AM the Lord, I do not change. My mercies are new every morning, for those who will receive them, and who choose to live by the grace I have made available. Many have chosen in their rebellion not to receive My grace, bought with the precious blood of My very own Son, and their time of chosing has come to an end. Because they have chosen to not receive My grace, and to allow that grace to change them, they have now frustrated My grace, and My justice will now come...and it will come swiftly.

My grace is sufficient for you, My people, as you allow it to bring you further into Me...I am Your shield and buckler. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. Do not fear the further shaking that is at hand. I am with you..and I will never leave you. Listen to Me, and follow Me!"

Hidden in Him,

Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer

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