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⚠️WARNING DREAM... 7/2/21 early morning.

We truly need to be prepared and be in prayer! 🙏⚔ There is much coming, and many things that have been planned. #Dreams #Warnings

I just awoke from a very intense dream about certain chaos and destruction happening in certain parts of our nation of America. I don't remember when I've had a dream as intense as this one, or one where I felt as I did when I awoke. In the dream I/we were shaken...but not in fear! Concerned, but prepared, and knew what we needed to do. Here me again...we were not in FEAR! We were concerned, new things were happening that were not good, and that we needed to get to a safe place, but we knew we would be fine.

I will say, I have very few dreams, as that is not the primary way the Lord speaks to me, but apparently He needed to get this warning across. I also want to say that I have not been pondering on these things, have not been watching "news" at all, nor really even subscribing to what is happening in the country or the world on a "news" level...or even other prophetic voices for the most part. I have truly been in a time of isolating myself and "leaning in" to only what He would say during this season. I say all of that to say, that I do not believe this dream was influenced by any of those things. I truly believe it was a warning from the Lord.

I will not go into the details of this dream at this moment, but will release more soon, as I am allowed, and to the people I am instructed to.

As of last night, I was planning on releasing more today on the "promises fulfilled" that I know are coming for many of God's people in the latter part of this year, as that is what the Lord began to lay heavily on my heart over the last few days...but then I have this dream. I now realize that I must speak more about this dream & warning also, which seems like a paradox, but when I had those thoughts and wondered how these two fit together, I felt the Lord once again highlight "the best of times, and the worst of times" to me. It may seem like a paradox, and completely contradictory things to discuss, but that is literally how it will be, from what the Lord has shown me. We have already seen this to some degree, but it will now intensify I believe.

I do not know how quickly this dream will unfold, and how soon these things will happen, but I believe they will be sooner rather than later, and I do believe they will happen.

Many may say, well can't we pray and see them thwarted or stopped? I honestly believe at this point that we can see things diminished, but no I do not believe we can fully see them thwarted or stopped. I believe prayers are more needed for the saints of God to be able to stand without fear, and to be prepared both naturally and spiritually for what else is coming. The Lord will provide what we need in any circumstance, if we follow His leading. We need to know our God, and know that He has got us. Being led by His Spirit is paramount in all things in this hour.

Please be in prayer for all believers in the U.S. to gird themselves with the truth of word of God, to not live in fear, and to trust their God, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Please be in prayer for no more destruction than must come.

Please be in prayer for me, as I prepare to release this seemingly contradictory word for the latter part of this year. I will try to release this over the next week.

Please also be in prayer for me, as I finish the final stages of the book that I have been writing for some time, which is called ~ "The Best of Times and The Worst of Times: Prophetic Keys to Surviving and Thriving in the New Era".

It is for now, and must come forth soon. Pray for no more distractions or hindrances, in Jesus name! 🙏🙏🙏

We all will be affected by what is coming, one way or another…BUT, He will give us strength, supernatural wisdom and grace to deal with what is to come. He will also send His angels to protect those who are dwelling in His secret place, under the shadow of the Almighty One!

Remember, as I have told you before...

We are in a #Psalm46 time, and we need to be prepared in this way. Be still...and KNOW that He is God!

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

Psalm 46 ~

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.

The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

Come, behold the works of the Lord, Who has made desolations in the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah."

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