Darin sang this song randomly a couple of weeks ago in the car. I don't remember it as much as he does...maybe only once in my whole life. What's interesting is, the Lord kept bringing it back to me, and I've been singing it now for over a week off and on.
The song is, "Honey in the Rock", which is an old hymn that was written in 1895. Here is the chorus refrain, and one of the main verses that stood out to me... š¶
"Oh, thereās honey in the Rock, my brother;
Thereās honey in the Rock for you.
Leave your sins for the Blood to cover;
Thereās honey in the Rock for you.
Do you pray unto God the Father,
'What wilt Thou have me to do?'
Never fear, He will surely answer,
Thereās honey in the Rock for you."
The song is based out of several verses in scripture, the most prominent being
Psalm 81:16 ~
"But I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, And with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.ā
Finally I recognized in all my busyness of this week, that the Lord was trying to speak something to me. He was reminding me that He can bring honey out of the rock, He can bring sweetness out of hard places, and He can bring provision out of what normally wouldn't be provision!
Now, fast forward to this morning, I am writing all of this out to share, and while I'm writing, my good friend and one of the admins on our page, Rachel Meece, sends info about the month of Sivan beginning tonight at sundown. To be honest, I haven't been keeping up with where we are on the Hebrew calendar over the last few weeks...it's just been a super busy time. So what does the month of Sivan have to do with honey in the rock, you may ask?
Well, Sivan is just the month of the Camels coming, and speaks of extravagant provision...
Provision like honey running out of a rock!
Only our Lord can do that!
Then, I saw a friend here on FB post the below picture on his feed of the boat and fish, along with his post this morning (thanks Theron!)... although his post was not about the same subject as this one. The picture struck me and I saved it, as I felt that I would use it some time. I saw this before I found out about the new Hebrew month.
After I found out about this being the month of extravagant provision, I remember the picture. If that doesn't speak of extravagant provision, I don't know what does!
God is speaking, and I believe if we will listen to His instructions in this hour (throw your nets on the other side), He is going to lead us into a place of abundance that is unprecedented and quite amazing.
I also believe that the Lord is speaking about Him being our provision, to remind us that in spite of what may be coming, in spite of the economy in our land (or world), or what darkness and hard times may be coming...He has honey from the rock, and fish on the other side of the boat, that He has stored up just for those who trust Him! šÆš
Follow His lead, listen for His voice, and obey His command, and He will provide exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ask or even think!
In expectancy,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer