Shabbat Ha-Gadol, “the Great Shabbat”, has begun in Israel...
Will you pray for them with me? 🙏🕊✡️
Tonight at sundown began the "Great Shabbat" (Sabbath) before Passover. Many Jews & Messianic believers throughout the world will be commemorating this tonight and Saturday.
Shabbat ha-Gadol, “the Great Shabbat”, the Shabbat immediately before Pesach, commemorates the final Shabbat in Egypt, 3,336 years ago, just five days before the Exodus. As I was reading about this day, I began to feel the Spirit quite a bit, and I know it is significant.
They are now preparing for Passover, which begins Monday. This will be a very sober and difficult time in Israel especially, as the Jews are still reeling from all that has happened over the last few weeks.
I have also sensed that there might be another attempted attack on Israel of some sort, during this holy week. It would be a vulnerable time while they are focused on this time of Passover. It would be cruel to do it this week, but their enemies don't care that it is one of their most holy weeks.
Please pray with me for Israel, and pray with me for peace. Pray for the protection for the Christians there as well, and that the Jews would come to know who their Passover Lamb really is...Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah)! 🙏🐑🩸✝️
Lord, let any planned attack be thwarted...and help the Jewish people!
In prayer,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer