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I wanted to update and ask for prayers for a few assignments we have coming up in just a few days.

Darin and I are preparing for our trip to Washington D.C. later this week. We will be gathering with many other believers on Saturday, for prayer and repentance over our nation. The gathering is called The Return, and you can find out more about it by going to their website ( 🇺🇸

This will be held on the National Mall, and many are coming from around this country, and some from other nations, to join in this historic time. We are in an unprecedented season, and I believe this is a Kairos moment for our nation, especially being held on the Day of Atonement. If you can, come and join in the prayer on the Mall in Washington D.C. If you aren't able to do that, head to their website and join in via Livestream at your home or church next Saturday.

We will also be taking an intercessory team with us to D.C., to do strategic prayer assignments on Sunday. After this, Darin and I have private meetings we have been invited to in D.C., with other apostles and prophets, for the purpose of strategy, prayer, and worship. We even have a friend who has traveled all the way from Israel to be a exciting! 🇮🇱

We would like to ask that you cover Darin and I in prayer support for these assignments. These are amazing yet tumultuous times...but we know prayer, especially prophetic and strategic prayer, makes a difference. If the warfare we have felt leading up to this assignment has been any indication, this is going to be one epic time, and much will be accomplished for His Kingdom!

If you would like to support us financially for this particular trip and assignment, you can give by clicking the link HERE.

We thank you in advance for your generous support, for us and the ministry the Lord has called us to, and we pray the Lord blesses you abundantly for your prayers and giving.

We want to specifically thank those who have partnered to support us in prayer and finance, in order to help in the ministry and assignments that the Lord has called us to do. Your support is so greatly appreciated!

If you would like to join as a partner to this ministry, you can sign up to give monthly donations at the same Donate link mentioned above, and simply turn on the "Set up automatic giving" at the body of the menu. See picture below...

May we all continue to occupy...until He comes!

Ambassadors For Him,

Amanda Shiflett

Kingdom Life Ministries

Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer

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