Someone just shared with me what a well-known minister said on her Twitter about what is happening in our country, with our current President, and with this whole election process. I was saddened to hear that someone who claims to teach the word could think as she does. Saddened...but not surprised, as I have seen so many deceived nowadays. 😔
Yes, Jesus is King, and yes, regardless of what happens, He will still be on the throne...that was never in question!
But He has set it up where things are either allowed or not allowed on our watch. The Sovereignty of God is very real, but He has also fashioned it in His Kingdom, where we CAN do nothing without Him, and He WON'T do certain things without us, His people. We are His hands and feet on the earth, as well as His Ekklesia, which is His governing Body of believers! 👑⚖
This person, along with many "believers" like her, are clueless against what we are fighting in the spirit right now, and have been seduced themselves by the lackadaisical, passive spirit that has infiltrated the church overall.
This spirit has disguised itself by this notion and mindset, that we should "just worship Jesus, and wait for Him to come and rescue/rapture us, and everything will be fine. Don't concern yourself with what is happening around you, or how the enemy is trying to take over this world with his darkness. Just huddle inside with your 4 and no more, or with your church, and hold on until Jesus comes!"
According to scripture, that is NOT what we are suppose to do...He said OCCUPY (continue with the business at hand) until He comes! (Luke 19:13)
That mindset doesn't sound like occupying to me...and in my opinion, that is how we have gotten to the place where we are currently at, in this nation of America, and in the nations of the world! 🇺🇸 🌎
If we do not stand up in this hour, fight the good fight, and war in the spirit, along with doing our part in the natural, then we will no longer have a democratic republic to fight for...we will have a socialist country headed quickly towards communism. And let me be clear, that it will be much harder at that time, to share the gospel by the ways and means that we currently have.
This is not about a man, but about a movement, and the ideals that the movement stands for... for freedom, moral standards of a nation, life, justice, and our constitutional laws that are currently under attack. There is more at stake than ever before, and now is not the time to sit back on our "blessed assurance" and not be involved!
We are at a pivotal point in our nation, as pivitol as when this nation was first birthed...and we are fighting for the very ideals and beliefs that will either bring us back to center (plumb), or will see us spiraling out of control! 🙏🇺🇲⚔
I've said this since the Lord gave it to me, the day before the election, and I still say...HOLD THE LINE!! ⚖ 🇺🇸
Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer