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Writer's pictureProphetic Reformer

A Greater Level of Faith

➡ The enemy wouldn't be fighting so hard to keep you from fully entering this next season, if he didn't know how much of a threat you would be! Sometimes I think he has more confidence in our calling than we do ourselves. 😏 The Lord is calling us to a greater level of faith... and of course, in order for that to happen, there is something called "the trying of our faith", which the bible says works patience (James 1:3). There is a reason that Paul said at the end of his life, "I have fought the fight, I have kept the faith" is a fight to keep our faith at times. I believe we will need a stronger level of faith in the days to come. However, our strength is not in ourselves, it's not even in our faith. It is in Him...who is the Author & Finisher of our faith!(Heb.12:2) He is strengthening our faith for the days to come.  The “New Season” we are in, as it were, has actually already the spirit realm that is. It began at “Rosh Hashanah”, or the “Head of the Year” on God’s calendar, which was in September. However, you might not have noticed a whole lot of changes in the natural during that time. That is because it was happening in the spirit realm. Many things begin to shift in the spirit realm around Rosh Hashanah every year, however they do not begin to manifest in the natural realm until around the first of the year on the Gregorian calander (which is now). We are indeed “pregnant” with what God has placed inside of us, but we haven’t seen the “baby” yet. Have you wondered why it’s been such a fight lately? It’s because you are “laboring” to bring forth what God has in store for you in this new season. You are pulling it down from the spirit realm into the natural realm. I believe this is the reason it is a very good idea to go into the first of the year with a time of prayer & fasting…your flesh is put under subjection to your spirit, you come into a place where you can hear the Lord more clearly, and your faith is strengthened for the season ahead. We must also stay in the word of God like never before! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom.10:17). This is hugely important right now, and I encourage you to go into a time of prayer, fasting, and the Word as the New Year begins. We are getting ready to come into the greatest season the church has ever known, as many prophetic voices have declared…along with some of the "worst of times" that we have seen. We must remember, however, that the enemy has heard every one of those prophetic words about the "great" that is coming, and he will endeavor to stop us in any way he can. For those of us who are called to this end-time army, the fight will be great, and there will be many casualties of war. Will you be one of them? We must be suited up for the battle at all times, yet we must also learn to rest in His Presence. Our strength for the battle is not found within ourselves, it is found in Him, in His anointing and power, which can only be found in His Presence. We must take time to “dwell in the secret place of the Most High”, and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty”! Now is the time…We are the people!! Stay strong, saints of God…and Keep the FAITH!!! 

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