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~WEARY WARRIORS AND PROPHETS~ ⚔️🦅 RECEIVE STRENGTH IN YOUR INNER MAN!! Word of the Lord, Sept. 21st, 2018 ~ Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer 💨💪 Here is the word the Lord shared with me this morning, which is specifically for His warriors and prophets, but I believe it may be for others also, who have grown weary and tired in spirit, soul, and body in this last season of much contending, standing, and warring. As we are headed into Fall tomorrow (1st official day), and then begin the Feast of Tabernacles at sundown on Sunday, let us commit to spend the extra time with Him that is needed this week. I believe it will be very important for our spirit, soul, and body for the days to come! It is vitally important that we heed His call when He summons us unto Himself. Whether you are a warrior or prophet, I believe we all need to do our very best to draw away and receive strength and empowerment from His Spirit this coming week. I will also be releasing more over the weekend regarding this time of "tabernacling" with the Lord, so look for that. Be blessed & strengthened in Him! 💜 ~Amanda ⏩ STRENGTH IN YOUR INNER MAN ⏩🕊️💪 "Many of you, My warriors and My prophets, have been wearied by the fight you have been through in this last season. You feel somewhat discouraged and weak from the constant standing and warring against the onslaught of the enemy. Yes, his attacks have been great, but I am sending My Spirit even now, to give you strength in Your inner blow His breath within you again, and strengthen you with great might in your spirit man! You are needing that strength to enable you to step up and do what is needed, to accomplish that which I have set for you to do in this new season. Come away with me in this next week...come tabernacle with me, and receive the extra strength that is so needed for your weary soul. As you spend this extra time with me, I will pour out to you strength in your spirit, strength in your soul, and in your body! For before My Spirit will blow in the land once again, He must blow into you, My chosen ones, to strengthen you, and give you all that is needed for this hour that is at hand. Please do not miss this time to be with Me, to tabernacle with Me, for if you do not receive these fresh winds of My Spirit, it will be very difficult for many of you in the weeks and months to come. You will grow more weary and discouraged, and will not be able to fully do all that I have for you to do. You need the fresh breath of My Spirit to blow away all the weariness and disappointment of the past season. There is much ahead that will require an extra measure of strength of Spirit, but I will strengthen you with the power and might of My Spirit, as you come in unto Me and rest for a while, and let My Spirit strengthen you from within. There is a rest and rejuvenation in Me, that I am longing to release to My Warriors and Prophets, who are weary in body, soul, and spirit. Come in unto Me, and I will give you rest. I will blow fresh wind in your sails by My Spirit, and they will propel you into the new things that I have for you, with more energy, life, and excitement than you have had in quite some time! Come and receive the breath of My Spirit, and watch that which has grown weary, become alive and vital again!" Ephesians 3:16 - "..That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man..." Ephesians 6:10 - "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Matthew 11:28 - "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." 

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