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The Lord is raising up Samuels and Deborahs in this hour...Prophets and Judges! ☝⏫

Have you ever read something you posted that came up in your FB memories, and it completely blew you away?! The following is something I posted this time last year, and I believe it is manifesting now more than ever! Let the true Prophets and Judges of the Lord continue to ARISE!! ☝⏫ #TrueProphetsArising #JudgesAndProphets #ApostlesAndProphets "The Lord is raising up Samuels and Deborahs in this hour...Prophets and Judges! -Deborah was a Prophet and a Judge, and was the only female Judge we see in scripture. We see that she moved in an Apostolic authority, she warred in the gate, and the 'Princes of Issachar' were with Deborah (Judges 5). I believe they ran with her because, as a Judge, she had the ability to discern what was right and wrong, and 'judge' what the Lord's will was for a circumstance. Issachar was known for diacerning the times and seasons, so it would make sense that they wanted to run with a woman who did also. It is a season for the women warriors to arise, and for the Issachars Princes to run with them! It is a season for the Prophets and Judges to war in the gates! -Samuel was a Prophet, and according to scholars, he was also the last Judge in Israel. He called out Eli's sons who were living in unholiness (Judge), he revealed Saul's heart of disobedience and slew the enemy that Saul tolerated. He recognized and anointed the future King (leader), and raised up the Prophets in the land. He stood for the Voice of the Lord, even when it was not always popular...the true Word of the Lord meant more to him than the approval!' Here is something I felt I wanted to add... Some are called to be both a Prophet and a Judge (Apostle). To be a Judge does not mean they are judgemental, but simply that they have the discernment to judge between what is right and what is wrong, between what is holy and what is not, between what is truly of the Lord and what is not! The Lord is going to begin to raise up His "Judge Prophets" again, who will "judge" correctly from the heart of the Lord, and will function from their intimate knowledge of knowing Him and sensing His heart on a matter. Now is the time for the Samuels and Deborahs to ARISE...take your place of authority, sit in your seat, judge righteously from His Heart, and declare the authentic word of the Lord! 

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