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It's Time for the Wrecking Balls!!

I can't even BEGIN to express how much this word rings true in my spirit!  There are definitely those whom the Lord is raising up in this hour, who will truly be a "wrecking ball" to many man-made structures and ideas, and will bring reform in many arenas of the earth and the Kingdom! HEAR the Word of the Lord!>>> #Prophetic #Reformation #WreckingBall #Plumbline #GodsAgenda #Ezekial #ReformersArising #500years #MartinLuther

"My plummet and plumb-line used to measure structure will be used to smash structures with little pasture or power." The plummet is going to become a wrecking ball..." Word of the Lord ~ by William Long "Wrecking Ball Anointing / The plummet becomes a wrecking ball I SHARE THIS WORD AS A RESULT OF MANY DAYS OF NIGHT WATCHES AND CAREFUL CONSIDERATION I've been stirred in this word for weeks. I've been in several night watches and become gripped by this term "wrecking ball". Jesus ministry was a wrecking ball ministry; in the the capitols of the hearts of the broken. Jesus is going to redefine what it means to be filled with Holy Spirit to a generation that sees laying on floors and goosebumps as an "end game" to the anointing. (I love it btw) "But there will come a strong WIND to align warriors to frontline ministries across state lines. OIL will flow on the gears of the 5 fold within those blown ones (many will not know they are 5 fold until they hit the battlefield). And FIRE will ratify the movers aligned in new regions and Apostolic assignments. Then they will know that what is going on now in prayer rooms, conferences, and spirit filled only a beginning to the latter rain anointing." Wrecking balls smash structures with unstoppable power. The force of the wrecking ball is invasive. The church will invade darkness again. I'm not talking about stadium Christianity. Not conference circuits. Not talking about laying down slain. Holy Spirit is going to STAND US UP AGAIN like an Ezekiel army (Ezekiel 37:1-14). OUR LAYING AROUND HAS BECOME LIKE DEAD BONES. Some of us have been drunk for years and the enemy does not fear saints writhing around like drunken sailors. He fears Apostolic impulse that moves the Body to the battlefield. He fears activity that lifts the veil of unbelief in culture. There will be bands that won't go back to normal after the event is over. "My plummet and plumb-line used to measure structure will be used to smash structures with little pasture or power." The plummet is going to become a wrecking ball..."

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