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⏩🔥Please read this word by Fiorella Giordano! It is intense and so right on with what the Lord has given me as well. Many of you remember Him speaking to me earlier this year about earthquakes and volcanic activity more intensely this year...even places that don't normally have earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions. They are both connected, and I saw what happens in the spiritual begin to mirror in the natural. It is definitely tied to Billy Graham's mantle also. Much is coming the 2nd half of this year! Let's be in prayer! 🙏🙌🔥 "**IMPORTANT PROPHETIC WORD: Yellowstone Supervolcano Activity, The Awakening Of The Heartland, The Billy Graham Mantle, The Angelic Host Of Hornets of God. (this a lengthy word, please take the time to read it through, the article sited will be in the comments.) This morning in a dream I was shaken to my core. I was shown the map of the United States, I was filled with a strange feeling, as if i was in what had been prophesied but also living in the present prophetic future and simultaneously seeing the past. I had a sense that i was seeing deep into the climax of many timelines. I saw pioneers, evangelists on horses like the circuit riders of old. Yet, when i looked at the map of USA i could see a large portion marked as with a canopy. it extended all the way from DC area, down to Charlotte, through the midwest into the Idaho, and Wyoming areas. I could see trails had been made, there was movement all around. My heart lept when i heard the words from heaven say, “This is the Billy Graham Crusade” I knew that God was releasing the mantle over this nation. I realized at this point it wasn’t just stadiums but really the mobilization of the mantle he carried in many portions, many facets and it was at the center of heaven’s agenda. As i was watching this, i noticed there was volcanic activity rising. Smoke was rising from a volcano. In my spirit i knew it was the Yellowstone Caldera which is known as a Supervolcano, I felt it so strongly but i was puzzled beause i wasn’t looking at Wyoming. I was looking at the heartland of America in a region in Missouri. As i pondered what i was seeing, i heard a company of women and they were speaking about the prophetic significance of the now active volcano, they said that when the volcano became visibly active a host of angels would be released from heaven. They were a host of Hornet angels, like the ones mentioned in Exodus, Deut, and Joshua, as they said this, i saw the host of angels come from the atmosphere, they had the appearance of hornets but as large or larger than locusts. They were vibrant and on fire. Absolutely fierce. I knew that the release of these angels meant that we were going to enter into deeper depths of our promise lands. I saw them go forth, but i realized that these angels weren’t just dealing with worldly structures that were opposing the kingdom. They were also dealing with structures and people within the church that were opposing the kingdom as well. As i saw this, i found myself holding a canopy that held 10 of these angelic hornets. I was praying if only 10, if only 10, as i thought back to Abraham’s account of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how if 10 were found righteous God would stay His hand. As i pondered this, it became harder and harder to contain these angels, and i knew if i held on for too long they would sting me as well. I knew this was a warning to stay in sync with God’s timing, and that there was swift action and decision being rendered from heaven in this very moment. Immediately after this, i was taken to another scene where I was brought into one stadium where i was aware that this same event was occurring in many places at the same time. It was a prayer gathering put together by The Call. The sound of the prayers and the power of the prayers coming to a crescendo in the atmosphere was beyond what words could describe. It was the sound of a promise being born. And I could hear multitudes connecting to God in prayer, I could distinctly hear the sound of many women echoing in power and anointing in prayer. At this point I saw a procession of arenas being filled with different people leading gatherings that were now ready for the harvest. As i prayed into this dream, I sense that the Lord was saying that there would be a sign of volcanic activity in the Yellowstone Caldera, that would mark the release of the host of heaven. The hornets of God. “Moreover, the Lord your God will send the hornet against them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you perish.” Deut 7:20 In addition to this, I also feel this will also be a foreshadowing sign of the stirring of resurrection life in the heartland of the nation. God is reconnecting the heart to this tuning fork in the spirit, “You shall love your the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might,. These words which i am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.” Deut 6: 5-6 As i prayed this afternoon into this, i discovered that there is an old dormant or completely inactive volcano that is now a mountain in Missouri, it is in the very heartland of this country. It is called Taum Sauk Mountain. Scientists believe this is an old volcanic site, and they say that it will never become active again, because it is too old. I sense the Lord is saying that there are promises in the land in the heart of the land, and the heart of people that seem beyond time even beyond possibility, but God is moving on these old prophetic promises and orchestrating and aligning the unleashing of a mass harvest, of stadiums, of crusades, of fields, of Holy Circuit Trails bearing the messengers of the Gospel, carrying the glory of God. I sense that the activity in the Yellowstone Caldera is a sign of life stirring in the heartland, i sense that is why i saw in the dream the volcano in the heartland instead of in Wyoming. I felt this dream was very significant and with any significant dream that God gives me, it is usually marked with a sign. This afternoon i found a news article in the Daily Express that read “The Yellowstone Volcano Eruption News: Life or Death Prep For Supervolcano Underway.” I felt this was a significant sign sense the article came out this morning when i had the dream. I will attach the link to it in the comments. We are at a tipping point of our prayers, where the bowls are turning, and heaven’s courts have rendered decisions to expand the land of promise, to renew the commitment of the heart of this generation so that the overflowing glory of God may flood the earth. God is crowning the voice of women in this hour, allowing them to be heard like never before. “The Lord gives the common; The women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host.” Ps 68:11 We are being called to a very high standard as a generation to steward the movement of heaven on earth. This will require a fresh commitment to Holiness, to purity, and undistracted devotion. The kingdom of heaven is expanding, the host of angelic hornets has been sent forth and the time for this grace of heaven to manifest is now. The worldly systems that hinder its expansion will be laid low, and the flesh in the body of Christ that is not brought to a posture of surrender and death, will be disciplined for we are entering Holy Ground. #BeTheSound

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