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SEPT 24TH - OCT 1ST is being declared the WEEK OF REPENTANCE!! 🙏🔄 

Many of you know how much the Lord has had me to speak and share on repentance over the last month in this season of Teshuvah. I spoke this past Thursday about this coming week being the most significant time of this entire season. Over the last 30 days, I have been lead by the Lord to pray for the spirit of repentance to be released in every city and state we have traveled through. I continue to intercede for this, and am believing it is time for this to be released throughout the entire land! I just found out earlier today that this week is being declared a "Week of Repentance" by certain ministries in the body of Christ. From my understanding, I believe those declaring this do not even realize that we are in the Days of Awe, and the season of repentance known as Teshuvah on the Hebrew calender. This is a Divine convergence of God's purposes for a specific time! Let's join together in this time of repentance, and believe for the awakening and fire of His Spirit that is coming to His body, and to the world around us! 🙏🔥🔄🙌 Here is their post, and a link to the website at the end that tells you how to be a part of this movement from wherever you are this week: "AMERICA NEEDS HEALING. THE NATIONAL WEEK OF REPENTANCE™ AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME. No need to board a plane or hop in a car.Every resource is truly FREE. This is a real movement for real people. Wherever you are — whoever you are — you can participate. It’s the first simultaneous gathering of its kind, with people calling out to God across America— without the need to converge in one geographic area. This is what makes The National Week of Repentance historic, unique and powerful.There has never been anything like it before. It’s happening across America. This is a grassroots movement enabling anyone, anywhere, to join in. The fear, arrogance and hatred in America is deep and widespread. It’s time we do something constructive about it.The National Week of Repentance is what America needs." #SpiritOfRepentance #Teshuvah #RepentAndReturn #WeekOfRepentance #DaysOfAwe #NWR2017 

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