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Writer's picture: Prophetic ReformerProphetic Reformer

~Releasing of a New Identity~🚪🔑 "During this past Year of the Sword (5777) that just came to completion, the Lord has been cutting away old structures, and releasing a new identity within us. We must manifest who we have become! Now is the time to put our hand to the Sword, gain strength and power, and go forth into the land of our promise. Put on your armor and grab hold of the Sword for your future! 5778 is the year to enter the DOOR, with boldness! Now is our time of preparation to be extended through and into a place that God has promised!" ~Chuck Pierce🚪🔑 This has truly been a time of cutting away, and the releasing of a new identity within us! If we are following Him, and listening to His voice, He will lead us through the DOOR that will bring us into our destiny on a whole new level. Although the cutting away may have been hard, it has been necessary and crucial to walk into this new season. This past season has prepared you for what is to come, in a way that you have never been prepared before. Remember, don't let the difficulties and disappointments (with people and with circumstances) cause you to become bitter...learn from them and let it make you better. Forgive, release, move on! 🙏🙌⏩ Also, you need to make sure you do what is necessary to allow the Lord to take you through healing from the wounds of this past season, and do not allow the enemy to get a stronghold. If he does, it will keep you from moving fully into this next season of destiny fulfilled, that the Lord has prepared for you to walk in. Now is the time to make sure we are living in as much healing and freedom in our own life as possible, so we can walk in the fullest level of our calling, and fulfill what we were placed on this earth to do! 🌎 ~ Time for the Revealing ~⏳ We have been called into the Kingdom for such a time as this! Now is the hour of our revealing, of the sons and daughters being manifested in a greater way...not for our glory, but for the Glory of our King, so His Glory may be seen throughout the nations of the world, through us! Now is the time for His Greatness to be seen throughout the land, and His Presence to be experienced even more tangibly than ever before. It is time for the final AWAKENING and FIRE of His Spirit to sweep the earth, even as the darkness in the world increases. Now is the time for you to come into the fullness of why you were created and birthed into this world to begin with! You were not sent 500 years ago, not 200 years ago, not even 100 years ago...but you were birthed into the earth now, to fulfill a specific mission for this great, end-time generation! You were created to express His Glory in the earth, and help see His Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven! ✨🌊💨🔥💥 I feel led to declare some things over the Lord's remnant, warrior people today...specifically to His true prophets, pioneers, and reformers that He is rising up in this hour! If you agree with these things, declare your agreement and speak them out: I declare that everything that has held you back from fulfilling your destiny, from coming fully into your calling, will be broken in this transition season! I declare that now is the time for you to come into healing, freedom, and full maturation! I declare that no weapon formed against you will prosper, and every word spoken against you in judgement, is cast down and condemned, in the Name of Jesus! I say the Lord will begin to lead you into the ways that will best bring about your healing and freedom from any strongholds that have attempted to bind you. I say the insecurities and fears that have held you are being loosed in this season...and you will walk out of fear, rejection, and insecurity, and into His wholeness in this hour. He is even now beginning to restore your soul! I hear the Lord say that the voices who have attempted to silence you, to quiet you, and even quench the fire within you, are being taken out of your life...and they will be replaced with those who are not afraid of your fire, but who want to help you harness it properly for His Kingdom purposes, for they know it is the Fire of the Lord! There will be new alliances that He is bringing, with those who will help fan the flame within you, and you will see much more manifestation in the months and years to come. Even some of those prophecies that you have been waiting to be fulfilled, will begin to be manifested in this next season, as they have been waiting for these new alliances and structures to be set up in your life. Those who have misunderstood you and tried to quench your fire, are simply not able to go where He is now taking you. ~ Prophets, Pioneers, & Reformers ~ Much is being birthed in this hour that is not comprehended or understood by many in the body, even in leadership, as it is happening faster than some can keep up with at times. Those whom the Lord is raising up to do a new thing in this hour, will not be held hostage by the man-made restraints of this day. These are the true prophets, that cannot be bought by any price, nor persuaded by slick tongues of men. These are the Pioneers, who are blazing a new trail in the Kingdom, who will not always go with the status quo way it has been done in past seasons. These are the Reformers, who will call for a reforming of everything, until His Kingdom is manifested as it was upon it's birthing, in the original model. These will not be held hostage by popularity, man's opinion, or man's funding...for they care nothing about any of them, but simply want to do the work of Him who sent them, and only long to hear Him say "Well done!". They only want to do the work that they have been called to do, and they cannot be bought, intimidated, or silenced in this hour! Their rising is of the Lord, and He alone has their allegience! It is time for the ARISING of His true remnant from all areas and parts of the Body of Christ! Let them come forth, for now is their time!!⏳ #Prophets #Pioneers #Reformers #NewIdentity #NewBeginning #Arising #YearOfTheOpenDoor #ItsANewDay "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." ~Romans 8:18‭-‬19‭, ‬22 "Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." ~Isaiah 60:1‭-‬3 “When all this comes true—and it surely will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.” ~Ezekiel 33:33 (Amazing picture for the new year by our friend 

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